CMDI conducts MATHinik

Johanna B. Rañola


The CARD MRI Development Institute, Inc. (CMDI) held “MATHinik” for the first time, an activity to promote the importance and significance of Mathematics in everyday life. Students and staff showed their prowess thru various Math-oriented games and activities.

There were five (5) major games and these are: 1.) Singing Math ‘To, where competing groups should sing and know as many songs with numbers on their lyrics; 2) MATHula, where students were challenged to compose a poem with Mathematics as the central theme; 3) Rubik’s Cube, to determine who’s got the fastest mind and hands to solve this popular puzzle; 4.) MATHinik , a quiz contest to challenge  knowledge on Mathematics; and 5.) Amazing MATH Race, wherein teams must quickly hurdle questions and obstacles in 5 stages.

Fifteen (15) students from Block 1 proved that they can sing and at the same time actively think of numbers, thus were declared champions in the Singing MATH’ To challenge. Edward Collado of Block 4 made the best numbers and rhymes in the MATHula poem writing contest. Another student from Block 1, Marco Jay Navarro bested everyone by solving the Rubik’s cube the fastest. Meanwhile, Block 2 comprised of Rico Garcia, Chamie Rufino and Joel Espinili garnered the highest scores as they easily breezed the MATHinik quiz challenge. Lastly, the amazing teamwork of Johnry Duller, Jayron Marceno, Khristine Bumaat, Joylyn Pagaspas, and Edmond Molidor made them win the Amazing MATH Race.

Winners were given medals as testimony to their wit, knowledge, and talent. All students and staff who joined were given certificates of participation.

This whole day activity, which happened on 12 March 2016, proved to be challenging, enjoyable and at the same time enhanced CMDI’s camaraderie and unity.